These amendments on the GA deadlines aim to have our IRPs allowing for more flexibility and better discribe the GA process. This is the explanation for each change:
- on the call for host organisation: the EC suggests to focus on the period of time, rather than on the specific date, in case of for example eventual change of dates of the GA.
- On the call for participants: the changes clarify that the registration os far all participants (not only delegates), and ads the delegates separately to reinforce or clarify the idea that the regitration is for all participants
- On the information session: it is suggested to give more flexibility to the EC to pick a date to have the info session
- On the MO support to candidate: the wording is changed to reflect the current process, by which the MOs do not send letters, but express the support through the amendment tool
- On the submission to amendments: as there is sometimes more Plans tabled in the GAs otehr than the Financial and the Activity Plan, this wordin reflects better that all Plans are up for being amended.