Beware, this amendment is an alternative amendment to amendmen "I1 A9". this amendment is only a subject to a vote in case amendmen "I1 A9" is not not carried. in case the amendmen "I1 A9" is adopted by the General Assembly, this amendment is going to be withdrawn immediately.
The ec’s explanation at the mo forum for this change to a total maximum of three mandates of 2 years each (6 years total) was to not push additional ec members (those who are neither spokespersons nor treasurer) who'd like to apply for treasurer or co-spoesperson to decide already after one mandate if they want to run for one of these positions, basically give them more time in the body to decide.
- in the past most candidates who ran for spokesperson or treasurer ran directly the first time they applied for EC for treasurer or spokesperson or after one mandate (one year in the current IRPs).
- in order to increase accessability of the alegedly more sought after positions of spokesperson or treasurer, they are limited to 2 mandates (1 re-election).